About Us | Mobilising for Action

How We Make A Difference


Learn more about our Waka Hourua research model

Research Theme

Mobilising for Action is one of seven research themes of the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Ngā Rākau Taketake programme.  As a whole, this programme is contributing to a deeper understanding about myrtle rust and kauri dieback disease, their impacts and their management in the ngahere/forest.

Mobilising for Action focuses on the human dimensions of kauri dieback and myrtle rust.  Our research explores the connections between people and the ngahere (forest), people and te taiao (the environment) and people and taonga species such as kauri and pohutukawa.

Research Focus

Key areas of research investigation include:

  • How are people connecting to te taiao?

  • What motivates people to care for taonga species?

  • How can people be empowered to make a difference now and in the future, to ensure the well-being of te taiao for the coming generations?

Mobilising for Action recognises the important bodies of knowledge that are mātauranga Māori and Western science and the contributions these have both made to forest health.  For this reason we draw on the analogy of a waka hourua (double-hulled canoe) navigating across an ocean.

Research Expertise

Our Mobilising for Action team consists of researchers and practitioners who bring a diverse range of experience and methodological expertise.  Our specialists draw from a wide pool of national and international institutions and from a diverse range of applied practitioners.


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